Management Efficiency


FutureERP (EntrepriseResourcePlanning) is a solution which integrates and centralizes  all the data and processes in a single system.

With the integration of all functional areas the FutureERP has the commitment to centralize and unify the whole information in a reliable and consistent way which allows a fast answer to requests increasing productivity to lower costs.

FutureERP is the Management solution for the future with na innovative format it stands at the cutting edge of technology. Developed to adapt itself to any device, with simplicity, it provides more objective and effective decision making, at any time and in any place (WEB environment).







Social Network (CHAT)

Social component, transversal to the application, with the objective of simplifying internal communication within the organization. Through the creation of communication channels, it increases productivity and guarantees faster resolution of processes.

Business Intelligence

It assists in transforming day-to-day data into meaningful information that supports business management and analysis. Through dynamic filters, it is possible to define a strategy based on a large volume of data.


It enables the business monitoring through a set of variables. The dashboards offer an analyses instruments panel, in a simplified format and graphically presented.


Communicates transparently with other systems in order to automate processes, without human intervention.

Modular Structure

FutureERP presents itself as a solution that can be tailored to the client, with the possibility of creating and implementing new modules


It unifies and centralises all productive processes in a single system. Through a modular system it ensures the centralisation of all the business áreas in a single system.

Tables Standardization

The tables are transversal to any application, guaranteeing consistency and avoiding redundancy.