
Your Career Starts Now!

In 2024, ANO is celebrating 30 years in the Information Technology market.

Today, we’re headquartered in Porto (Portugal) and have offices in São Paulo (Brazil) and Madrid (Spain).

We pride ourselves of our international presence, of the solutions we’ve sold and helped implement around the world, and of the strong international partnerships we’ve developed over the years.

However, our main asset is our team of employees, 50% of whom found their first job at ANO. For this reason, we consider a priority to continuously invest in their training and career growth.

My career path merges with the company's path, because I have been working in this company since 1996. I began as a trainee and I was part of a team of half a dozen people that has been growing, maturing and creating the foundations for the international ANO of today. I have developed countless projects in ANO, also I did participate in many successes, lived many other stories and met many people, companies and organizations that have evolved thanks to our technology and products. In these 24 years, I have chosen to continuously work in ANO, because I believe not only in the company’s leadership, but also in the creativity and innovation capacity and efficiency of our teams. We are a great team, committed to our customers satisfaction, that bets on products and services innovation in order to ensure market satisfaction. Working in ANO is an every-day challenge that makes us constantly reinvent!
Teresa Pacheco
Dir. Dep. Software e Serviços
About 6 years ago I met ANO at the University of Minho. Among several companies, I realized clearly that here I wouldn't be a number anymore, and that's one of the reasons that makes me continue with the same motivation since that same day. We are a company with a young spirit and this is also reflected in our development. We have followed the evolution and our main developments have a current technological basis. Teamwork is also one of our assets, where we all have an important role, since we are all full-stack programmers and this makes us acquire a transversal knowledge and become multi-purpose. Finally, it is important to mention that our business areas are quite enriching and since I arrived here, I have already embraced several projects, always with a career growth.
Sérgio Almeida
Team Leader
I have a degree in Management from the University of Minho and I started my professional career at ANO Software, in 2017. Initially, as a trainee in Communication and Marketing area, then as Head of Communication and Marketing and, after 2 years, as Account Manager. When I first start working in ANO I had no professional experience, but the company always accompanied me and trained me in everything that was necessary, which made me grow and evolve as a professional and as a person. The invitation to embrace this new area - Account Manager - left me speechless, but it shows how much the company trusts and invests in its workers. I have put my heart and soul into this new challenge, because that is one of the areas I identify the most, and I believe it will make me evolve even more professionally, as well. I work with a great team, young, welcoming, professional and innovative that grabs all the projects as if they were unique and gives everything to make them a great success.
Rafaela Fontes
Account Manager

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