Electronic Government
ANO provides one of the most proficient egoverment solutions. In the market since 2000, it is the most complete solution as well as the fastest in implementation.
We dematerialize the relationship between the citizen and the public administration, we make the reengineering of processes needed in an efficient dematerialization, we add intelligence to the workflow and procedures, we provide digital channels to customer service and we allow mobile support , closer to the citizen.
The products that are part of this unit are: Customerservice@net, Citizen Card, SeAP@net, SeAP. They are usually complemented by the products of the unit of documents management, among others.

Customerservice@net is an online service portal for digital public customer service and it is based on the dematerialization and structuring of costumer service processes.

Citizen Card
The Citizen Card can replace every card used in the city, and exist in physical format or exclusively electronically. This is a powerfull tool that allows the City to know which services and benefits each citizen, association or company is receiving/has received.

The SeAP@net allows all processes and/or documents, related to the citizen, to be added to the public attendance services, enabling the consultancy of its details during the meeting/hearing regarding the issue in question.

The SeAP is a set of software products as well as ANO's services, configured and customized for centres and/or Public Attendance. They are a powerful tool which allows a quick and efficient answer to the Public.